Business Office

Coach facilitated Training Options       SEOS_COA

One of the driving forces behind establishing our training programs is a first-hand observation of the challenges faced especially by single mothers. With dependent children at home they may not always meet the attendance requirements because they may have a sick child to attend to. Someone who is at home for other medical reasons might want to beef up their skills to make a career change. One of the options we sponsor is for a group of people to get together and then collectively take courses at home with mutual support and thus bypassing the challenges of going to a classroom location. There are in-person coaching options, and there are internet-options like Skype that can be used to deliver the training experience at your chosen meeting place. For someone with an afternoon job that makes it difficult to schedule study time this can also be a great format to accumulate the knowledge and skills for career development in a different field.

People can easily arrange to have daycare on the premises – to get a student to look after the babies while they study in preparation for going back to work in a better job position and everybody wins in their own way. If they want to pursue this option, they need to pre-arrange to have a coach for them to work with. Many people that have retired may be interested in doing part-time teaching or coaching, but they have not found the right opportunity to do so in their area, and they may not want the commitment of establishing their own affiliate arrangements. For aspiring coaches, this introduction program prepares them for taking this opportunity to the level of involvement that they want. If you arrived here through an affiliate website follow their contact information to explore opportunities to work in your geographic area.

If you work with people, especially young people, you need to obtain the appropriate clearance to demonstrate due diligence. This is not only when you actually teach individuals – this is also recommended if you just talk to people to provide information and to encourage them to sign up. Times have changed, and we need to take that into account. You can determine your level of involvement in training based on your education and business knowledge – at a minimum you can become a representative, but you can develop your skills as a trainer and expand your involvement to perhaps offer programs in your regional area.

For us, receiving this information to put on file is simply due diligence on our part. All instructors/coaches must have at least completed the courses they want to teach, or demonstrate a prior college/university education in those subjects (or the equivalent level of experience through employment in a relevant capacity).

For people that have signed-up and are actively studying you can provide a low-key coaching support to make sure they do well and continue to strive for improvement. We have a separate program for coaching services in this section – the opportunities are less involved and there is no up-front commitment, but coaches cannot independently deliver services: they are bound to use either our registration page or that of a local affiliate. There is an opportunity for a working relationship for coaches to work for the affiliate on a contract (self-employed) basis.

All instructors/coaches must have at least completed the courses they want to teach, or demonstrate a prior college/university education in those subjects (or equivalent level of experience through employment in a relevant capacity). If you do not have these prerequisites, then there will be a need to take the training programs. The affiliate provider may be willing to let you take these courses at cost, or refund part of the cost once you start teaching the courses (that is up to the affiliate to decide, they are not obligated to do either).

Each day is structured into 3 periods of 3 hours each: morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. A one-week course will typically take 15 class hours (or contact hours to be more generic). Similarly a two-week course takes 30 hours, while a four-week course takes 60 hours to complete. When a class starts in the morning it will stay in the morning timeslot for the rest of the course. However, for your next course you might find it opportune to take an afternoon or evening course (if offered). This way you control the rate at which you study and hopefully this adds flexibility to balance your working hours with when you can afford to take specific training courses:

  • Morning Session: 09:00 – 12:00 (+ Saturday available)
  • Afternoon Session: 13:00 – 16:00 (+ Saturday / Sunday available)
  • Evening session: 18:00 – 21:00 (Weekdays only)

Note that courses will not be held on holiday weekends. We offer some courses as “cram courses”, where we put an entire 15-hour course within a single weekend (allowing for 1 hour in breaks each day):

  • Saturday: 09:00-18:00, plus Sunday: 10:00-18:00 --- If you are interested in this option, please make a note on your registration form that you have a preference for weekend classes. We will then let you know when the next opportunity is to attend on weekends.

For this format, class hours can be established by mutual agreement, depending on the availability of the coach. We recommend that you stick to a 3-hour day format that is long enough to cover the material scheduled for each session, and not so long that their attention span is challenged by a hungry mouth to feed or other priceless interruptions. You can even use this format to blend training in around their working hours, so long as you are to fit the schedule you set for yourself. If they are in a service job that starts at 11, you might want to meet for the 07:00-10:00 timeframe to complete each session, so they can then go to work. Since they are not in a classroom it may be possible for the students to dress for work.

Contact the affiliate email provided on the registration page to ask for details about a coaching opportunity, and to identify what courses you are potentially qualified to teach right away. From time to time we will have seminars regarding coaching opportunities: if you leave your E-mail with an affiliate service provider they will get in contact with you to alert you to the next opportunity to get together and learn about the opportunities.