Business Office

Managing Workplace Downsizing       BTCM_MWD

A different twist on Career Management is for employees that are subject to downsizing in their workplace to get an orientation to refocus their career objectives as outlined in the courses that are listed above. Most companies do not merely close their doors: the right approach is to help employees come to grips with the reality that new opportunities must be found elsewhere. We recommend against a “revolving door” employment strategy where people without specific skills are let go while people with those skills get hired – our focus is on re-training as a more practical strategy (even if this may not work for all employees they will at least have a chance to succeed), but we also understand that sometimes union seniority rules can undermine these options: it is important that all parties are in agreement for the benefit of the affected employees.

The workplace has changed dramatically but many people maintain an expectation that jobs are persistent. Increased competitive pressures make it difficult to impossible to maintain that kind of stability in many competitive companies: even if the company survives, it may be after major restructuring that inevitably affects employees. It is important to deflect anger from what a job loss means to the individual, to instead focus on the opportunity that may be created as a result. Anger is a negative force that holds people trapped: the company normally does not want to go through this process any more than the employees do. A better understanding of the process is the best medicine for healing after a job loss, and the most efficient strategy for moving on.

Understand the nature of change, and the natural resistance to change that affects people. This is not something intended to put you on the spot, change happens to everyone sooner or later. By understanding change, as well as the driving forces that trigger change, you can start looking at your potential as “Myself Inc.” to figure out what you need to do to use change to your advantage. Without diminishing the grief over losing a job, we will focus on the critical next steps you must take to overcome setbacks. Your short-term focus will be to restore cash flow: there is no argument about a need to explore where, and how, you can find meaningful work so that you can bring home the bacon. What we need to explore as well is how you do not want to jump from the fat into the fire, and with a loss of seniority be in a last-in / first-out position when the next workplace undergoes change.

What have you accomplished, and what are the transferable skills you are bringing to a future workplace? You will be surprised to learn how you can “repackage” past experience in terms of skills that can be applied in many different work settings. It also provides an opportunity to review what is, as opposed to what you want it to be. Many people become trapped in a past that may hold them back from their true potential as human beings: a general labourer or truck driver who cannot see their potential as an office worker or being self-employed as an entrepreneur, a consultant, or to be in some other role based on career training that delivers results. What is a difficult barrier to overcome is to give yourself permission to grow when you are no longer bound by seniority rules that control career progress.

What goals would you like to pursue upon graduation from the “School of Hard Knocks” that represent potential career opportunities? Do not be shy of what your dreams for future employment include – this is truly a time to reflect on what to do with the skills you have, and what skills you might be able to develop, in order to improve your employability at a different level, even if you have to accomplish that in stages. In this session we challenge students to challenge themselves: to think out of the box (or is it a cage?) in order to awaken their true potential. Even older workers with a lot of hands-on experience may discover that every setback is an opportunity to pursue something they had always wanted to do.

How do you pursue new goals? This session will explore the Internet and what you can learn about potential career opportunities. This involves the exploration of job posting sites, as well as what career studies are available that might appeal to you. It is important to do both: you so not want to be committed to a program of study that prepares you for a field that does not lead to increased job security and/or income potential. Career college education is a good option if it matches your hopes and dreams, but not if it prepares you for another position that may become a dead-end job. Do not enquire at a learning institution that might be more focused on getting students enrolled than to work with students to maximize their potential.

How well are you prepared for change? The absolute last thing you want is to sign-up for a training program that does not align with your goals: when you graduate from such a program all you end up with is career potential in a field that you do not actually identify with, which makes it hard to find the motivation to succeed. Training decisions must be focused on goals to make sure you invest in a future that you desire for yourself – if you are in doubt you may want to consider further career management training that is described in other courses in this group. You can do that before you are taking any steps to commit to a program of study that requires investing in yourself both financially and in the commitment of time required.

Learning Formats       BTCM_MWD

This course is currently available in a company private classroom setting with approximately 15 contact hours. This course may also be organized to accommodate groups of people that collectively need the support to get through workplace upheaval, and a self-study version is being prepared.

PDF – Certificate Of Completion

This course offers a certificate of completion that identifies the course, the student, and a brief description of the course. To receive a certificate the student must have attended (or completed) at least 80% of the course sessions (or assignments). This personalized certificate is forwarded to the student by Email.

PDF – Course Notebook

This course includes a notebook in PDF format that provides the minimum knowledge the student must master in order to obtain the certificate. In the notebook you will find references to other study materials. Students receive the notebook by Email when their registration is confirmed.

PDF – Program Overview

An overview of this study program can be downloaded from the website by right-clicking on the program link on the enquiry page.

PDF – Current Training Schedule

A list of upcoming training sessions can be downloaded from the website by right-clicking on the schedule link on the enquiry page.

Registration – Service Providers

To register for any training course please look on the enquiry link page of your service provider (from where you accessed this website). On the page you will find a registration request form where you can order the course that you are interested in. The availability dates will be provided to you, along with payment instructions if you decide to go ahead.